Want to Increase Your Confidence? Focus on Your Big Picture Goals


When you’re building a business, trying to get a promotion, or, honestly, about a zillion other things, there’s one thing that tends to get in the way — and that’s CONFIDENCE. In between performance reviews and launches that don’t work as well as we thought and plans that didn’t pan out, confidence can take a hit… again, and again. And again.

It reminds me of my client Iman, who came to me after a poorly executed performance review (her only reviewers were men in direct competition with her & notoriously hard to collaborate with), whose confidence had taken a hit. 

We needed to think big-picture, increase her confidence, and create a growth plan that gradually developed needed skills but played to her outstanding strengths.

And guess what? I know full well that you can benefit from the exact same type of thinking, increasing, and creating — starting with the big-picture goals. The ones that are so audacious & meaningful that they PULL YOU like a sun. The ones WORTHY of your (truly) infinite power.

Let’s talk about how you can make these big picture goals…

When it comes to making big picture goals, there are 2 things you need to know:

  1. You probably already have more clarity than you think you do.

  2. You’re worthy and capable of doing absolutely everything you want to do.

So often, we make these goals for a month from now, a year from now, 2 years from now. We focus on the smaller ones. But, here’s the thing… those don’t matter as the ones we still don’t want to give up on, 10-20 years from now. It’s why I like to have my clients (and now you!) start with something called a declaration.

We say, “If I were to give myself 10-20 years, I would want to become the best XXX.”

To do this, you really have to ask yourself: in 10-20 years, what do you want to be the best at? What’s your declaration? This is important, because the thing you’re going to fight for — the thing you’re not going to give up on for 10-20 years — busts your buns and lights your soul on fire, and it inspires the sh!t out of you.

And that matters. It matters so much more than those 1-3 year goals, which don’t give us enough room to unplug that infinite potential and power we all have. 

Need some thought starters? Ask yourself: 

  • What am I doing when I shine? When I lose self-consciousness, and do something excellently, easily, naturally? #intheflow

  • What do I want to be known for? What do I want my legacy to be?

  • What gives me energy, joy and fulfillment?

I had Iman do this same practice — write her own declaration — and there was a lot of resistance that came up. There might be a lot of resistance around it for you, too. That’s normal — and it means that your mind and business are threatening expansion. They’re threatening to grow into new or unknown levels of success.

But, here’s what I need you to remember: You have more clarity than you think. You know what you want, who you want to become, and who you want to do — you just might not have the confidence in yourself to get there yet.

Once you have your declaration in front of you, here’s your next step.

Now, say it out loud. Walk in front of a mirror or record a selfie and say that declaration, out loud. — because this is what you’re working towards. This declaration of yours is why you do the bold, scary & sometimes-sexy, many times not-so-sexy things you do.

Then — and I have all of my clients do this — draw it! Yes, draw it, no matter if you’re a Picasso-esque artist or stick figure aficionado like ya girl KB. Just draw it, and then color it. 

And then share it with the people you’re closest to, the people that value your dreams and believe in you — whether it’s your sister, best friend, assistant, son, grandma, etc. — and have them sign it.

Once they sign it, I want you to post that declaration of yours where you can see it every day. Maybe that’s on your mirror (we love a declaration meets skincare moment), maybe that’s your fridge, maybe that’s the wall above your desk.

And then, hone in on those smaller goals.

Using your declaration, ask yourself: “a year from now, what does my life and business and career look like?” And my gal, I can absolutely promise you this — they’ll be more aligned, more strategic, and more audacious than they would have been before you did the declaration.

Why, you ask? Because you’ve given the universe a reason. Because you’ve told yourself — you’ve DECLARED — that you have every single ability within yourself to make the wildest dreams of yours come true. Because you know that, 10-20 years from now, you’re going to reach your most massive ambition… and you know what to do to get there.

In fact, that’s why the VIP Day exists — because I want you to reach those big ambitious dreams of yours, and I know how to help you do it. When you book a VIP Day, we kick off with 2 weeks of pre-work before your 8-hour VIP Day (we can break it up into 2 days!), and then you’ll get 4 weeks of follow-up coaching support AND a final coaching session to help you stay accountable for the first month of your year-long plan.

During your experience, I’ll help you craft a strategy that gets you to that 1-year audacious, life-giving business and life of yours… and a hell of a lot closer to that 10-20 year goal, too. 

Grab 30 minutes on our calendars here to decide if the VIP Day Experience is the right next step for you and your business!


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